5 Things To Consider Next Time You Go Shopping


  • Write a list!

Most young consumers go to the shops without first looking at what they already have and without buying with meals in mind. By planning, not only will you save time, but also money by minimising over buying and impulse buys.

  • Plan ahead

Balancing a work life, and a social life is hard, but what’s even harder is maintain all that food in your fridge between them! A lot of the food and leftovers in our fridge go in the bin because we don’t have time to consume them. If you know you’re going to have a busy week and won’t be home, or have a lot of social events coming up, adjust the amount of food you buy for the week accordingly to minimise wastage.

  • Check your fridge

Before you go out and shop, have a look instead your fridge and see what’s still good and what’s about to pass the use-by date. If there are veggies that look like they’re about to go bad, whip up a quick stir fry and save the amazing recipe you were dying to try out for another day.

  •  Get familiar with use-by dates and expiration dates.

A lot of food sold within grocery stores have use-by dates instead of expiration dates. Many people assume foods past the use-by date can’t be consumed when in fact use-by dates indicate the period of optimum freshness.

Use your own judgement and discretion when it comes to things that may be a day or two over the use-by date. Who knows, that bag of spinach you threw out may have made a really good soup.

  • Know how to store the food in your fridge

Before buying your groceries consider if you have enough space or the right conditions to store them. Some fruits and vegetables should not be stored together as they give off chemicals that cause the ripening process to fasten. Certain vegetables also need their leaves trimmed or their bags removed otherwise they will rot, and other vegetables and fruits should not be stored in the fridge at all.

To know more visit: http://www.thekitchn.com/the-kitchns-guide-to-storing-fruits-and-vegetables-tip-roundup-176308


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